The CFP Who Recommends Real Estate
Hello Real Estate Investor!!
What a great weekend, and I didn’t even watch the Super Bowl. Congratulations to the Eagles and, more importantly, the creators of all the awesome commercials! Here’s my favourite. Peter Dlinkage went all in with his performance:
Congratulations also to the New England Patriots, who defy all odds by always winning in a salary capped league. The team has to rely on excellent leadership, coaching, and systems to consistently make the playoffs and finals. They are truly one of the greatest teams in all of sports.
Let this be a lesson to all of us on the importance of leadership, coaching and systems in our own businesses. If you continue to improve your business in these areas, you will beat the competition and be more successful.
We recently switched property managers in Hamilton, and are now using our assistant, Maria, a student of the REIN system for many years. She is supported by the rest of my team: cleaners, Andy Tran, general contractor, handyman, and I have my 2 cents to add sometimes. My team has never been stronger, our customer services levels are at their highest, and my Hamilton portfolio has never been better.

Neil Oliver, the newest member of the Rock Star Inner Circle. If you too would like to join, go here:
Continue to strive for better so you too may be the New England Patriots of real estate or, as I like to say to my team, the Navy Seals of real estate. 😃
Speaking of Navy Seals of real estate, we have two fantastic speakers lined up for the February 24th meeting: Ryan Hindmarsh and John Roumanis. The first talk is titled “How I grew my net worth to $2 million with 1 written goal” and the 2nd is “$700,000 in 7 Years, Part-Time”
John was a past guest of the podcast and you can find the episode here:
We are 2.5 weeks away, yet the room is already 2/3rd booked, so please register ASAP to avoid disappointment!! to register.
The Certified Financial Planner Who Recommends Real Estate
Kathleen Van Den Berg, aside from having a long name, has an alphabet of academic designations after her name: MBA, Master of Business Administration; CFP, Certified Financial Planner; CLU, Certified Life Underwriter; I may be missing some other letters, but I know Kathleen also has her mortgage license.
I first met Kathleen through an introduction by a mutual friend, and I find her presentations and our conversations fascinating, as she is the only fee-based CFP who will talk to me. Haha! The fee-based CFP’s I’ve been referred to simply don’t have time for me. First of all, the ones I’ve reached out to require 1-2 million of investable assets, typically not real estate, since they don’t make money on real estate.
That’s where Kathleen is different. She is a real estate investor, she’s open about her own real estate portfolio, the fantastic returns she’s getting, and recommends some real estate to everyone even though she doesn’t directly make money selling real estate. She’s also highly educated and can apply financial planning theory and products that make sense to real estate investors, hence the reasons we’re hired Kathleen for a portfolio review.
She has also agreed to come present at a future Halton REI event after snowmobiling season is over, so make sure to register for the live, in person presentations, and get all your questions answered! To register, go to
Without further ado, I give you Katheen Van Den Berg.
To Listen:
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On Stitcher:
Show Notes:
Till next time, Just do it, I believe in you.
Hamilton, St. Catharines, Toronto Real Estate, Land Development Real Estate Investor
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